
We are driven by seven principles of quality management:

 Customer focus. Quality management focuses mainly on meeting customer requirements and on the commitment to exceed their expectations.

 Leadership. The Management is committed to establishing a unity of purpose by creating the conditions in which people actively participate in the achievement of the quality objectives of the organization.

 Active participation of people. Competent people, empowered, made aware of the requirements applicable to products and actively engaged at all levels throughout the organization.

 Process approach. Technologycom srl manages its activities as interrelated processes that act as a coherent system in order to achieve constant and predictable results more effectively and efficiently.

 Improvement. Successful organizations are continually focused on improvement.

 Evidence-based decision-making process. It is important to understand cause and effect relationships and potential unintended consequences. The analysis of facts, evidence and data leads to greater objectivity and confidence in the decision-making process.

 Relationship management. For lasting success, organizations manage their relationships with relevant stakeholders, such as suppliers.

ISO 9001: 2015

EN/AS 9100: 2018